SOLIDWORKS How-To: Autotransition & Create Geometry in CAD, Fast

Our #TechTip this week is by Training Manager John Setzer. He describes how to autotransition when working with the Line Command.

The idea is that you can draw a lot of shapes in CAD simply by using mouse movements and the “A” key where necessary. Essentially: You can create a lot of geometry without picking up your pencil. Watch for more:

Read other blogs by John, or find more videos on our YouTube Channel including more Tips and Tricks.


Meet the Author

John Setzer

John discovered his love of teaching early in life. He worked his way through college as a youth coach, umpire, and referee before earning his bachelor’s degree in Education. As Training Product Manager at GSC, he has been sharing his SOLIDWORKS wisdom with GSC customers ever since – over 20 years! As the only CSWE with a state certification in teaching, John is well-versed is teaching all types of learning styles.

view all posts by John Setzer

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