Removing Interfering Material In A SOLIDWORKS Assembly

From my product designer’s perspective, one of the most useful functions in a 3D solid modeler such as SOLIDWORKS is the ability to check for potential interferences in their still-virtual assembly. But, once found, can one remove the offending interfering material from the desired part?

I’m glad you asked!

SOLIDWORKS Assembly Example and removing material process
Figure 1

Take a look at the example assembly in Figure 1. It’s hard to tell if there is a problem or not, isn’t it? But SOLIDWORKS’ Interference Detection command quickly confirms and reveals the problem (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Let’s say the desired solution is to remove the material from Part A. Begin by editing Part A in the context of the assembly. Then, start the “Cavity” command (Insert -> Features -> Cavity) and select Part B as the “Design Component.” (Note: more than one Design Component can be selected.) You can see the resulting part in Figure 3.

SOLIDWORKS Assembly Example final screenshot
Figure 3
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