The Metal-X Forged Tour
Thursday, December 9, 2021
10:00am - 1:00pm
Food and beverages will be provided - GSC invites you to join us to interface directly with additive manufacturing experts to learn more about Metal 3D printing and see it in action. Metal 3D printing has changed, and is continuing to change, the landscape of manufacturing.
GSC, Markforged, and Industry Experts will take you through the journey of incorporating 3D printing and new materials into your manufacturing and product development.
Please welcome our speakers - Matt Ramone, Additive Mfg. Engineer at Regal Rexnord, and Jordan Shimon, Emerging Technology Leader at Presto Products. Matt will share with us his experience implementing an additive design road map with metal printing at the core. Jordan will share how Presto Products has scaled their Metal-X operations to tackle more applications within their manufacturing process.

Event attendees will be eligible to receive:
Free Mark Two Printer and two seats of Markforged University Virtual Metal Certification with purchase of a Markforged Metal X System*
*Requires the purchase of a 3-year success plan and all PO's must be submitted by 12/17/2021
Can’t attend this day and or location? Register for the virtual ticket and you’ll be contacted to set up a date and time to speak to the team and receive a personalized virtual demo for you and your team. And, once you attend your virtual Metal Xpo you’ll qualify for the discount.

Additive Engineer

Additive Engineer

3D Printing Applications to Know
GSC Customer Success Story
3D parts now make up Johnson Level's production line, including an ultrasonic welding fixture, multiple grippers, packaging prototypes and a new assembly machine. They purchased the Markforged Mark Two and saw ROI within 9 months.