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Webinar: Increase Profits & Reduce Fabrication Lead Times With 3D Modeling *Live*

Webinar: Increase Profits & Reduce Fabrication Lead Times With 3D Modeling *Live*

Date: May 30
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Online

Have you ever wondered if the benefits of 3D modeling outweigh 2D? Join us for an informative webinar to learn why and how 3D modeling can change the face of your fabrication process and your business.

Presented by Jeff Setzer, Technology Evangelist at GSC, attendees will hear about the following topics:

  • Faster detection of interferences and other problems in the assembly process
  • Achieve more accurate designs and production drawings to reduce or eliminate scrap
  • Automatic and real-time calculations of overall weight, center of mass, material volumes and finish surface areas
  • Immediate sharing of 3D designs and drawings with customers to shorten the approval process

This webinar is great for fabrication shops, especially those that did or wish to do custom fabrication work in the areas of weldments and sheet metal.


Jeff Setzer

As Technology Evangelist, Jeff loves showing customers new ways to use software and complementary tools to make their jobs easier. Jeff has been working with SOLIDWORKS since its first release in 1995 and he has been with GSC from the beginning! He is a Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional, a Certified SOLIDWORKS Support Technician, a Certified SOLIDWORKS Instructor, a Certified Simulation Support Technician, and a Microsoft Certified Professional.

Learn why and how 3D modeling can change the face of your fabrication process and your business.